- I'll be using some of the skill names from Espei to make it easier to understand until we get the official names from NA TERA.
- Contents in this guide are subject to change without notice.
- I'm calling this "Reaper Korean" guide for a good reason. All the information are updated just for the Korean server.
- I'll be adjusting this guide whenever I discover something new or have a charge of heart on certain glyphs.
- Once the release date of the Reaper class has been announced on NA TERA and I feel confident that everything I've said in this guide is spot on, then this guide may be posted on a different website for easy viewing.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Skill List
3. Chain Skills
4. Skill Range
5. PvP
6. Base Stats
7. Gearing Path
8. CDs
9. Advert of Darkness CDs
10. Real Time Damage
11. Miscellaneous Notes
1. Introduction
Flashy, darkness, mysterious and small. This is the Reaper class introduced on KTERA January 15th, 2014. You are a mid-ranged sustainable DPS wielding a bladed chains that would stretch out for a set distance with each attack.
As long as you have at least one level 40 character on your account, you can create the new Soul Reaper class at level 50. You cannot start the new class at Level 1. You will begin in an exclusive area just for Soul Reapers where the destruction of Pora Elinu has already taken place. It will be your tutorial grounds to learn how to play the class and do the story quest to earn gear, items, and new skills. It takes about 30-40 minutes to finish. You will earn levels as you go all the way up to level 57. You will be teleported in front of Kaiator's Command Center to turn in your final quest to reach Level 58 to begin yourboring Pathfinder Post story quest.
Q. When is this class coming to...
A. From Treeshark: "And last but not least, I’m excited to reveal that we’ll be introducing a brand new class into the ranks with her own set of skills and weapons. There's not much I can say yet, but we're looking forward to the damage she'll wreak on some BAMs come springtime."
Q. Why is this class Elin exclusive?
A. Because it takes them a long time to develop animations for all the race so BHS decided to pick their most popular race for this class.
Q. Are they planning to make the class available for all the race in the near future?
A. I don't know.
Q. What do you know?
A. That I can't predict the future.
Q. What armor type do they wear?
A. Leather gear, but they can only equip specific leather gear for their class like Wonderholme. Not much gear options yet.
Q. Do you like the class?
A. I'm loving it. I'm going to learn almost everything about this class and use it for PvP as well. It has potential to apply lots of pressure. Sadly the ping is atrocious so I can't learn much until it comes here where I can test setups much easier. 250 ping just won't do to let me learn this class any better.
Q. How would you compare Reapers to the existing classes?
A. Warrior and Sorcerer. I compare it to a Warrior because of the sustainable damage dealing aspect and it's a great class for soloing purposes. Sorcerers because of its AoE and Dark Explosion reminds me of Fireblast but that's not to say Dark Explosion will match Fireblast in terms of damage. I also feel that using Advent of Darkness reminds me of using Burst of Celerity for a bit. You will do more damage if you properly chain your skills much like a Sorcerer.
2. Skill and Glyph List
Ratings: Green = Worthy | Yellow = Decent | Red = Not Useful
All skill information and strengths are listed if you are level 60.

Combo Attack II - 비검 연타 II
Level 50 | 0 MP | 385, 542, 585, 785, 1305 Base DMG | No Cooldown | Instant Cast Time |SAMPLE
A medium ranged attack 8m away to hit your targets in a wide arc in front of you, and gain MP with each hit. Successive strikes do more damage, up to five hits, with the fifth hit dealing substantially more damage. Attack range is about 8m. The 4th & 5th consecutive attack hits twice and the 5th consecutive attack swings the weapon around you hitting anyone within range. You can use this skill as you are moving forward to make it easier to reach your target.
[5] Glyph of Piercing
15% chance to deal double damage. You shouldn't be using combo attack to make this worth it anyways.
[4] Glyph of Spirit
Increases MP regeneration by 20%. Whip of Darkness skill is a better option to get MP back quick.
[4] Glyph of the Swift
10% chance to increase attack speed by 15% for 10 seconds. Possibility can be useful for PvP?
[6] Glyph of Carving
Doubles crit rate. Just no.

Flashstep - 순간도약
Level 50 | 0 MP | 0 Base DMG | 5 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Dash 7m towards the direction you are moving while avoiding taking damage. This skill can be used twice in a row. After using the skill once, you can delay it up to 4 seconds to use again, if not, cooldown will NOT be applied.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 15%. Reduces it down to 4.2 second cooldown.
[6] Glyph of Fleetfoot
Increases movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds. I hate the heavy cost, but 50% movement speed where it can proc twice in a row with this skill could add some diversity in PvP. Only the skilled can make full use of this glyph so I'm not going to quickly misjudge this glyph just yet.

Counter II - 반격 II
Level 50 | 150 MP | 1729 Base DMG | 14 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Wrap yourself in a dark barrier to protect you from any harm for 2 seconds. If attacked while inside the barrier, you will rush toward the target 10m from where you stand doing damage.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 20%. Makes it a 11.2 second cooldown. This is quite a powerful skill, but I think you can get away with not using this. For solo purposes it can come in handy.

Retaliate - 기상 공격
Level 50 | 0 MP | 1131 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
What do you think? Icon looks different but that's to make it look special I guess.
[3] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 20%. It's funny how other class has 25% glyph for this and Reaper is not. Still a bad glyph though.
[3] Glyph of Energy
Decreases cooldown by 20%. If you get knocked down often in PvP, you may need to use this.

Curtain of Darkness - 어둠의 장막
Level 50 | 0 Base DMG | 3 Mins Cooldown | Passive Skill | SAMPLE
At the moment of death you will get knocked down, but you will survive with 15% HP remaining. For 7 seconds, all damage taken are reduced by 50% and you cannot receive any healing effects at this time. If you can survive for 7 seconds, your HP will recover 30% and you'll be back to your normal state. Stamina will not decrease when you survive.
This passive skill does work in PvP formats such as Duels, Fraywind Canyon, Corsair Stronghold, and even Skyring.

Scythe's Judgment II - 비검 가르기 II
Level 50 | 100 MP | 837 Base DMG | 6 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Hit your targets twice within 8m in a wide arc in front of you that can stagger your targets. You can activate this skill faster if you first use [Strikedown Blow], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Blade Maelstrom], [Smite], [Whip of Darkness], or the 3rd/4th/5th consecutive hit with [Combo Attack].
For PvP, this skill staggers the players.
[4] Glyph of Restoration
Immediately restores 1.5% HP. Skill hits twice so it's pretty much like 3% recovery of your Max HP. This might not be bad if you are doing a solo run.
[5] Glyph of Powerlink
Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Strikedown Blow. You are most likely to chain into this skill often so the power boost is worth it.

Strikedown Blow II - 비검 내려치기 II
Level 51 | 200 MP | 1920 Base DMG | 9 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Slings the chain front and behind you doing damage at close range and then slams the blade down doing AoE damage within 6~10m in front of you. The Reaper will pull the chain back doing another damage to the target. You can activate this skill faster if you first use [Scythe's Judgment], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Blade Maelstrom], [Smite], [Whip of Darkness], or the 3rd/4th/5th consecutive hit with [Combo Attack].
[5] Glyph of Persistence
30% chance to eliminate cooldown. This is one of your strongest skill so a chance for it to reset can come in handy. For some reason you can use Strikedown Blow again if it resets and the skill will not be slowed.
[2] Glyph of Blaze
Speeds casting by 25% for Scythe's Judgment, the next skill in chain. May be good for PvP. You can chain to Scythe's Judgment for that quick stagger and then chain into Dark Assault for that knockdown. Scythe's Judgment goes out fast as it is if you got the right amount of attack speed.

Kickback I - 비검 올려치기 I
Level 52 | 100 MP | 703 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Strike your enemy as you leap 7m backwards from your target. This skill can be canceled from a majority of other skills. If the target is a monster, the target will not be able to move (rooted) for 3 seconds.
For PvP, this skill causes players to stagger when hit. Rooting will not be applied for PvP.
[3] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 25%. This is a weak skill but if you have points to spare then maybe worth it for PvE.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 20%. A great flexible skill should be used often so I find this glyph to be worth it.
[4] Glyph of Carving
Increases the crit chance for the next chain skill by 30%: Spiral Blades for 5 seconds. Haven't seen this kind of glyph before, but crit chance for Spiral Blade that does decent damage seems debatable if it's really worth it. Just going to settle it as a decent glyph.

Spiral Blades I - 비검 회전 칼날 I
Level 53 | 200 MP | 1329 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Launch the blades 8m in front of you as it spins towards the end hitting targets up to seven times. The attack can cause staggering on normal monsters. You can chain this skill if you first use [Combo Attack], [Scythe's Judgment], [Blade Maelstrom], or [Kickback].
For PVP, each hit from this skill will add a 10% healing debuff that stacks up to five times. Debuff duration last for 10 seconds. The skill also causes stagger from the first hit. A passive skill is automatically learned where each hit from this skill will recover 1.5% from your max HP.
[5] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 25%. Damage boost from this skill is worth it.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease Cooldown by 20%. Combine this glyph with Advert of Darkness up and you can constantly apply lots of pressure on staggering your targets so easily for PvP. Also great for PvE.
[5] Glyph of Numbing
20% chance to decrease opponent's attack speed by 10% (stack up to 5 times) for 7 seconds. Only for PvP purposes, but with low odds it may be debatable if it's even worth it. I would have to try it out to see if it works well or not unless it gets cleansed within a few seconds...

Dark Assault II - 비검 최후의 일격 II
Level 54 | 250 MP | 2287 Base DMG | 21 Secs Cooldown | 2.4 Secs Cast Time | SAMPLE
Launch a devastating attack in a straight line within 12m in front of you that has a high chance to knockdown monsters. A dark circle will be placed 12m in front of you that will explode 3 seconds later dealing damage. Skill will deal more damage if your opponent's HP is lower. You can activate this skill faster if you first use [Scythe's Judgment] or [Strikedown Blow]. You can cancel this skill early with Rapid Steps without putting this skill on CD if need to be. The cooldown of this skill only applies when the cast time of this skill is over.
For PVP, the first hit of this skill will cause a knockdown.
[5] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 15%. It doesn't seem much of an increase, but the damage boost is great to have for this powerful skill so use it.
[6] Glyph of Carving
Doubles crit rate. Devastating damage with double crit rate is hard to pass up.

Reverse Leash I - 역포획 I
Level 55 | 150 MP | 972 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Throws the chain like a hook to capture a target 18m away and pulls you towards them. This skill will also cause your target to be stunned for 2 seconds. (EDITOR NOTE: I think this gives you i-frames as you are in the middle of the animation. Like to test this)
[2] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 20%. Only 2 points and this skill is deadly for PvP. Use it.
[2] Glyph of Haste
If this skill hits successfully, the next skill will receive 50% less casting time. This is made just for Dark Explosion, but I would probably use this more for PvP.
[3] Glyph of Powerlink
Increase skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Dark Explosion. Have this glyphed with Glyph of Haste can be a deadly combo for PvP. You can organize your rotations to use this next for PvE as well. A nice glyph for your powerful skill.

Blade Maelstrom I - 비검 휘두르기 I
Level 56 | 150, 150 MP | 1182, 1182 Base DMG | 12 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time |SAMPLE
Spin the chains around you that reaches 9m from where you stand hitting the targets up to four times. Getting hit by this skill will reduce monster's movement speed by 70% for 5 seconds. This skill can be used twice in a row. After using the skill once, you can delay it up to 6 seconds to use again, if not, cooldown WILL be applied.
For PvP, players will not receive movement speed debuff when getting hit by this skill. Only works on monsters.
[5] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 25%. Anything is good to boost your DPS, but this one is a bit questionable since this skill will slow your DPS down and generally I'm starting to see this too. I'm starting to treat this skill as a mere filler. Up to you on this glyph.
[4] Glyph of Lingering
Increase the effect duration by 50%. Going from 5 to about 8 seconds. Not really worth it against monsters.
[4] Glyph of Powerlink
Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Scythe's Judgment. Damage boost isn't high in demand for Scythe so this is a maybe.
[4] Glyph of Powerlink
Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Strikedown Blow. You can combine this glyph with Scythe Judgement to make it a 40% increase. Seems worthy to use.

Dark Explosion I - 암흑 폭발 I
Level 57 | 350, 350 MP | 3838, 1954 Base DMG | 30 Secs Cooldown | 1.2 Secs Cast Time| SAMPLE
Summons a dark energy from the ground surrounding you causing an explosion hitting anyone within 9m from where you stand. You may use the skill again within a short time frame to hit your targets again with a high chance of knocking down your opponents towards you. You cannot be knocked down or staggered in the middle of casting this skill. You can still be stunned though. You can cancel the first animation by moving without putting the skill on CD.
In PvP, the 2nd hit of this skill will knockdown players.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decreases cooldown by 20%. You can probably pass this for PvE, but this can come in handy since you'll be using reverse leash a lot in PvP to chain with this skill often.
[4] Glyph of Haste
Increases casting speed by 17%. You could probably pass this for PvE since you should be chaining this skill from Reverse Leash, but this is a godsend to do devastating AoE damage and knockdown as fast as you can for PvP.

Smite I - 비검 강타 I
Level 58 | 100 MP | 1048 Base DMG | 20 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Leap straight in the air to deliver a large swipe in front and reaches a bit behind you stunning all targets for 2.5 seconds. While moving forward when using this skill, it will actually push you forward around 3m.
A passive skill is automatically learned where this skill's damage is doubled on knocked down enemies.
[5] Glyph of Energy
Decreases cooldown by 25%. For PvP, anything to get your stuns off more is better.
[5] Glyph of Lingering
Increases effect duration by 25%. Making it from 2.5 to 3.1 seconds duration. Worth the small duration to keep the pressure going.

Whip of Darkness I - 암흑 채찍 I
Level 59 | 0 MP | 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901 Base DMG | 30 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Standing completely still while unleashing a barrage of attacks 8m in front of you restoring lots of MP. Skill can be used up to 4 consecutive times. If you are interrupted while casting the skill, the cooldown will be applied. It's your slowest skill, but if you have some free time behind the boss then the damage will be significant.
[5] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 25%. I like this skill to keep your MP in good shape, but the glyph cost is too much to make this worthy.
[3] Glyph of Spirit
Increase MP regeneration by 20%. The skill recovers a ton of MP as it is and this glyph would only give you 192 more MP if you land all 16 hits.

Shift Change I - 위치교환 I
Level 60 | 300, 300 MP | 803, 0 Base DMG | 24 Sec Cooldown | Instant Cast Time |SAMPLE
Shoot a shadowy ball in a straight line reaching 20m. If it successfully hits the target, you have 10 seconds to use the skill again to switch places with your target while stunning them for a brief moment. The maximum distance you need to be to switch places is 40m from your target. This places a DoT debuff on your target damages them for 3454 every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds. Some enemies inside dungeons and BAMs will not be able to switch places, but using the skill again on them will just only stun them. The hit detection on this skill is bugged for PvP? You have to aim above their head for it to hit so in case if this doesn't get fixed then you at least know this.
In PvP, if you hit the target with this skill, they will receive a debuff that damages them for 3454 every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds. You can switch positions with your target within the 10 second window unless your target gets cleansed from the debuff.
[3] Glyph of Brilliance
Reduces MP cost by 150 for each use. Not really worth the MP reduction cost.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 25%. Could be good for PvP. This skill does a chuck of DoT.

Advent of Darkness I - 어둠 강림 I
Level 60 | 400 MP | 0 Base DMG | 3 Min Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Engulf yourself in a dark aura for 15 seconds that reduces the cooldown by 70% of the following: [Scythe's Judgment], [Strikedown Blow], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Dark Assault], [Blade Maelstrom], [Reverse Leash]. Make sure you have full MP before using this!
[2] Glyph of Brilliance
Reduces MP cost by 150. You don't use this skill that often with its long cooldown so don't bother glyphing this.
[5] Glyph of Lingering
Increases effect duration by 30%. Makes it from 15 to 19.5 seconds duration. I would say this glyph is totally worth it for PvP more than PvE. You should only cast this when you are going for the kill.
3. Chain Skills
Reapers are the most flexible class when it comes down to chaining skills together. Here is a list to make it a bit easier to know your options. Because of this, it's wise to know which set of moves you should properly chain together to make the best out of your DPS. If you end up chaining random skills, everything will be on Cooldown and you'll end up awkwardly pausing. Get used to knowing which skills can chain for both PvE and PvP. Remember that PvP combos are much different than PvE to go for the kill.
Scythe's Judgment: 6 secs
Strikedown Blow: 9 secs
Kickback: 15 secs
Spiral Blades: 15 secs
Dark Assault: 21 secs
Reverse Leash: 15 secs
Blade Maelstrom: 12 secs
Dark Explosion: 30 secs
Smite: 20 secs
Whip of Darkness: 30 secs
- Scythe's Judgment and Strikedown Blow will always be your Bread and Butter combo to do anything chainable.
- These rotations aren't meant to be followed precisely all the time, but they are good tips to understand how to chain skills comfortably and make good use of your powerlinked glyphs.
Combo #1
Maelstrom x2 > Scythe > Strikedown > Assault > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Smite > Scythe > Strikedown > Leash > Explode > Maelstrom x2 > Scythe > Strikedown > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Whips (repeat from highlighted color)
Combo #2
Kickback > Maelstrom > Scythe > Spiral > Strikedown > Assault > Maelstrom > Smite > Scythe > Leash > Explode > Kickback > Spiral > Scythe > Strikedown > Maelstrom > Whips > Maelstrom > Scythe > Strikedown > Assault > Kickback > Spiral > Scythe > Strikedown
Combo #1 w/Advert of Darkness
Advert > Maelstrom > Scythe > Strikedown > Assault (repeat from highlighted color)
Combo #2 w/Advert of Darkness
Advert > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Leash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Leash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral
[More Combos on the Way]
NOTE: Some combos may require specific attack speeds on your gear, nostrums usage, and cooldown reduction rolled on your weapon.
Chain List
Combo Attack 3rd/4th/5th -> Scythe's Judgment
Combo Attack 3rd/4th/5th -> Strikedown Blow
Combo Attack -> Spiral Blades
Scythe's Judgment -> Strikedown Blow
Scythe's Judgment -> Spiral Blades
Scythe's Judgment -> Dark Assault
Strikedown Blow -> Scythe's Judgment
Strikedown Blow -> Dark Assault
Kickback -> Scythe's Judgment
Kickback -> Strikedown Blow
Kickback -> Spiral Blades
Spiral Blades -> Scythe's Judgment
Spiral Blades -> Strikedown Blow
Blade Maelstrom -> Scythe's Judgment
Blade Maelstrom -> Strikedown Blow
Blade Maelstrom -> Spiral Blades
Smite -> Scythe's Judgment
Smite -> Strikedown Blow
Whip of Darkness -> Scythe's Judgment
Whip of Darkness -> Strikedown Blow
4. Skill Range
Since you are a medium ranged DPS, several skills needs be positioned perfectly to do the maximum amount of damage. Some skills can still hit even if they are close to you, but the key is to position yourself around 8m from your target so most of your skills can land even more hits. For bosses this isn't an issue since their hitbox sizes are huge, but to PvP it's essential to know how far you need to be for your skills to land a hit.

Will find the source once I hunt the link again
Scythe's Judgment: 0~8m (2 hits)
Dark Assault: 0~12m (2 hits) / 13~17m (1 hit)
Strikedown Blow: 0~5m (3 hits) / 6~10m (2 hits)
Blade Maelstrom: 0~8m (4 hits)
Spiral Blades: 0~7m (2 hits) / 8~10m (7 hits) / 11~13m (5 hits)
Smite: 0~7m (1 hit)
Kickback: 0~8m (1 hit)
Whip of Darkness: (16 hits)
Dark Explosion: 0~9m (2 hits)
Shift Change: 0~22m (1 hit)
Reverse Leash: 0~18 (1 hit)
5. PvP

Scythe's Judgment - 8 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Stagger (1st hit)

Kickback - 15 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Stagger

Spiral Blades - 15 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Stagger (1st hit) & 10% healing debuff for each hit that stacks up to five times that lasts for 10 seconds.

Dark Assault - 21 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Knockdown (1st hit)

Dark Explosion - 30 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Knockdown (2nd hit)

Shift Change - 24 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Adds DoT on target doing 3454 every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds.
Noctenium Consumables
Scythe's Judgment: 3~8% skill damage
Dark Assault: 3~8% skill damage
Strikedown Blow: 3~8% skill damage
Blade Maelstrom: 5~10% skill damage
Spiral Blades: 3~8% skill damage
Smite: 3~8% skill damage
Dark Explosion: 3~8% skill damage
Counter: 3~8% skill damage
6. Base Stats

7. Gearing Path

So these are all the stats that I could find from constantly re-rolling my Wonderholme chest piece.
Gearing this class is limited for now. They can't craft visionmaker or nightforge gear for themselves and old leather gear won't work on them. The best in slot right now is Wonderholme gear.
Just continue using the story quest gear until you reach level 60. Since new Reapers will have a hard time getting into WHHM, just run it on your other character and clear it normally. Because once you defeat the last boss on WHHM, everyone will be awarded with either a BoE reaper weapon or chest piece (I think chest piece can drop for everyone as well... but may have to check this again someday). The weapon type will be random so it'll either be swift, keen, or enraged.
That's pretty much it for Reapers. They will have to wait a bit longer for the new content to come out to get more gearing options.
8. CDs
Nostrum Effect (-15 %)
Glyph Effect (-20 % or -25 %)
Weapon Effect (-7.2 %)
Glyph Cooldown Reduction (20-25%)
Flashstep: 5 > 4.2 secs
Counter: 14 > 11.2 secs
Retaliate: 15 > 12 secs
Kickback: 15 > 12 secs
Spiral Blades: 15 > 12 secs
Reverse Leash: 15 > 12 secs
Dark Explosion: 30 > 24 secs
Smite: 20 > 15 secs
Whip of Darkness: 30 > 22.5 secs
Shift Change: 24 > 18 secs
Ranger's Nostrum (red) - Ranged Skill (15%)
Reverse Leash: 15 > 12.75 secs
Shift Change: 24 > 20.4 secs
Nostrum of Energy (blue) - Close-ranged Skill (15%)
Kickback: 15 > 12.75 secs
Spiral Blades: 15 > 12.75 secs
Scythe's Judgment: 6 > 5.1 secs
Strikedown Blow: 9 > 7.65 secs
Dark Assault: 21 > 17.85 secs
Blade Maelstrom: 12 > 10.2 secs
Smite: 20 > 17 secs
Whip of Darkness: 30 > 25.5 secs
Counter: 14 > 11.9 secs
Dark Explosion: 30 > 25.5 secs
Retaliate: 15 > 12.75 secs
Ranger's Nostrum + Glyph CD Reduction (35-40%)
Reverse Leash: 15 > 9.75 secs
Shift Change: 24 > 14.4 secs
Nostrum of Energy + Glyph CD Reduction (35-40%)
meh I'll finish it later
9. Advert of Darkness CDs

Advent of Darkness
Engulf yourself in a dark aura for 15 seconds that reduces the cooldown by 70% of the following: [Scythe's Judgment], [Strikedown Blow], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Dark Assault], [Blade Maelstrom], [Reverse Leash].
Scythe's Judgment: 6 -> 1.8 secs
Strikedown Blow: 9 -> 2.7 secs
Kickback: 15 -> 4.5 secs (1.5 secs if glyphed)
Spiral Blades: 15 -> 4.5 secs (1.5 secs if glyphed)
Dark Assault: 21 -> 6.3 secs
Blade Maelstrom: 12 -> 3.6 secs
Reverse Leash: 15 -> 4.5 secs (1.5 secs if glyphed)
10. Real Time Damage
I don't know if this is the best way to test this, but I like to find out how much damage these skills are actually doing to the enemy. This has been tested on the mob from Golden Labyrinth that activities the floor spikes. No glyphs has been used to get these numbers so make note of that.
Now the low damage doesn't matter for this test. This is to compare which skills can actually do decent amount damage without using the base damage stats as reference.
Normal: [466]
Crit: [1129]
Spiral Blade
Normal: 132, 264, 264, 264, 264, 264, 132 [1584]
Crit: 320, 640, 640, 640, 640, 640, 320 [3840]
Scythe's Judgment
Normal: 376, 215 [591]
Crit: 910, 520 [1430]
Strikedown Blow
Normal: 414, 1105, 828 [2347]
Crit: 1002, 2674, 2005 [5681]
Dark Assault (90~100% HP level)
Normal: 1419, 1354 [2773]
Crit: 3435, 3278 [6713]
Blade Maelstrom
Normal: 196 x 8 [1568]
Crit: 474 x 4 [3792]
Dark Explosion
Normal: 2549, 1297 [3846]
Crit: 6168, 3140 [9308]
Normal: [696]
Crit: [1684]
Whip of Darkness
Normal: 305 x 16 [4880]
Crit: 739 x 16 [11824]
Reverse Leash
Normal: [645]
Crit: [1561]
11. Miscellaneous Notes
- The Glyph of Powerlink for Strikedown Blow (20%) from Blade Maelstrom and Scythe's Judgment does stack to 40%.
- Each hit from Whip of Darkness gives 60 MP per hit. So a full 16-hit from this skill will give you 960 MP back or 1152 MP if glyphed. Reaper's max MP is roughly around 2235~2535 if your stamina is good so roughly it'll give 40% of your max MP back.
- When using Strikedown Blow, if you wait until the chains pulls back towards you, it will do another damage on your enemy. This can be easily overlooked at thinking that as soon as the chains hit the ground then you chain into another skill right away. Helps for PvE, but you can ignore this tip for PvP.
- Advert of Darkness also reduces Retaliate cooldown as well.
[Resource: ]
- I'll be using some of the skill names from Espei to make it easier to understand until we get the official names from NA TERA.
- Contents in this guide are subject to change without notice.
- I'm calling this "Reaper Korean" guide for a good reason. All the information are updated just for the Korean server.
- I'll be adjusting this guide whenever I discover something new or have a charge of heart on certain glyphs.
- Once the release date of the Reaper class has been announced on NA TERA and I feel confident that everything I've said in this guide is spot on, then this guide may be posted on a different website for easy viewing.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Skill List
3. Chain Skills
4. Skill Range
5. PvP
6. Base Stats
7. Gearing Path
8. CDs
9. Advert of Darkness CDs
10. Real Time Damage
11. Miscellaneous Notes
1. Introduction
Flashy, darkness, mysterious and small. This is the Reaper class introduced on KTERA January 15th, 2014. You are a mid-ranged sustainable DPS wielding a bladed chains that would stretch out for a set distance with each attack.
As long as you have at least one level 40 character on your account, you can create the new Soul Reaper class at level 50. You cannot start the new class at Level 1. You will begin in an exclusive area just for Soul Reapers where the destruction of Pora Elinu has already taken place. It will be your tutorial grounds to learn how to play the class and do the story quest to earn gear, items, and new skills. It takes about 30-40 minutes to finish. You will earn levels as you go all the way up to level 57. You will be teleported in front of Kaiator's Command Center to turn in your final quest to reach Level 58 to begin your
Q. When is this class coming to...
A. From Treeshark: "And last but not least, I’m excited to reveal that we’ll be introducing a brand new class into the ranks with her own set of skills and weapons. There's not much I can say yet, but we're looking forward to the damage she'll wreak on some BAMs come springtime."
Q. Why is this class Elin exclusive?
A. Because it takes them a long time to develop animations for all the race so BHS decided to pick their most popular race for this class.
Q. Are they planning to make the class available for all the race in the near future?
A. I don't know.
Q. What do you know?
A. That I can't predict the future.
Q. What armor type do they wear?
A. Leather gear, but they can only equip specific leather gear for their class like Wonderholme. Not much gear options yet.
Q. Do you like the class?
A. I'm loving it. I'm going to learn almost everything about this class and use it for PvP as well. It has potential to apply lots of pressure. Sadly the ping is atrocious so I can't learn much until it comes here where I can test setups much easier. 250 ping just won't do to let me learn this class any better.
Q. How would you compare Reapers to the existing classes?
A. Warrior and Sorcerer. I compare it to a Warrior because of the sustainable damage dealing aspect and it's a great class for soloing purposes. Sorcerers because of its AoE and Dark Explosion reminds me of Fireblast but that's not to say Dark Explosion will match Fireblast in terms of damage. I also feel that using Advent of Darkness reminds me of using Burst of Celerity for a bit. You will do more damage if you properly chain your skills much like a Sorcerer.
2. Skill and Glyph List
Ratings: Green = Worthy | Yellow = Decent | Red = Not Useful
All skill information and strengths are listed if you are level 60.

Combo Attack II - 비검 연타 II
Level 50 | 0 MP | 385, 542, 585, 785, 1305 Base DMG | No Cooldown | Instant Cast Time |SAMPLE
A medium ranged attack 8m away to hit your targets in a wide arc in front of you, and gain MP with each hit. Successive strikes do more damage, up to five hits, with the fifth hit dealing substantially more damage. Attack range is about 8m. The 4th & 5th consecutive attack hits twice and the 5th consecutive attack swings the weapon around you hitting anyone within range. You can use this skill as you are moving forward to make it easier to reach your target.
[5] Glyph of Piercing
15% chance to deal double damage. You shouldn't be using combo attack to make this worth it anyways.
[4] Glyph of Spirit
Increases MP regeneration by 20%. Whip of Darkness skill is a better option to get MP back quick.
[4] Glyph of the Swift
10% chance to increase attack speed by 15% for 10 seconds. Possibility can be useful for PvP?
[6] Glyph of Carving
Doubles crit rate. Just no.

Flashstep - 순간도약
Level 50 | 0 MP | 0 Base DMG | 5 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Dash 7m towards the direction you are moving while avoiding taking damage. This skill can be used twice in a row. After using the skill once, you can delay it up to 4 seconds to use again, if not, cooldown will NOT be applied.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 15%. Reduces it down to 4.2 second cooldown.
[6] Glyph of Fleetfoot
Increases movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds. I hate the heavy cost, but 50% movement speed where it can proc twice in a row with this skill could add some diversity in PvP. Only the skilled can make full use of this glyph so I'm not going to quickly misjudge this glyph just yet.

Counter II - 반격 II
Level 50 | 150 MP | 1729 Base DMG | 14 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Wrap yourself in a dark barrier to protect you from any harm for 2 seconds. If attacked while inside the barrier, you will rush toward the target 10m from where you stand doing damage.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 20%. Makes it a 11.2 second cooldown. This is quite a powerful skill, but I think you can get away with not using this. For solo purposes it can come in handy.

Retaliate - 기상 공격
Level 50 | 0 MP | 1131 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
What do you think? Icon looks different but that's to make it look special I guess.
[3] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 20%. It's funny how other class has 25% glyph for this and Reaper is not. Still a bad glyph though.
[3] Glyph of Energy
Decreases cooldown by 20%. If you get knocked down often in PvP, you may need to use this.

Curtain of Darkness - 어둠의 장막
Level 50 | 0 Base DMG | 3 Mins Cooldown | Passive Skill | SAMPLE
At the moment of death you will get knocked down, but you will survive with 15% HP remaining. For 7 seconds, all damage taken are reduced by 50% and you cannot receive any healing effects at this time. If you can survive for 7 seconds, your HP will recover 30% and you'll be back to your normal state. Stamina will not decrease when you survive.
This passive skill does work in PvP formats such as Duels, Fraywind Canyon, Corsair Stronghold, and even Skyring.

Scythe's Judgment II - 비검 가르기 II
Level 50 | 100 MP | 837 Base DMG | 6 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Hit your targets twice within 8m in a wide arc in front of you that can stagger your targets. You can activate this skill faster if you first use [Strikedown Blow], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Blade Maelstrom], [Smite], [Whip of Darkness], or the 3rd/4th/5th consecutive hit with [Combo Attack].
For PvP, this skill staggers the players.
[4] Glyph of Restoration
Immediately restores 1.5% HP. Skill hits twice so it's pretty much like 3% recovery of your Max HP. This might not be bad if you are doing a solo run.
[5] Glyph of Powerlink
Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Strikedown Blow. You are most likely to chain into this skill often so the power boost is worth it.

Strikedown Blow II - 비검 내려치기 II
Level 51 | 200 MP | 1920 Base DMG | 9 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Slings the chain front and behind you doing damage at close range and then slams the blade down doing AoE damage within 6~10m in front of you. The Reaper will pull the chain back doing another damage to the target. You can activate this skill faster if you first use [Scythe's Judgment], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Blade Maelstrom], [Smite], [Whip of Darkness], or the 3rd/4th/5th consecutive hit with [Combo Attack].
[5] Glyph of Persistence
30% chance to eliminate cooldown. This is one of your strongest skill so a chance for it to reset can come in handy. For some reason you can use Strikedown Blow again if it resets and the skill will not be slowed.
[2] Glyph of Blaze
Speeds casting by 25% for Scythe's Judgment, the next skill in chain. May be good for PvP. You can chain to Scythe's Judgment for that quick stagger and then chain into Dark Assault for that knockdown. Scythe's Judgment goes out fast as it is if you got the right amount of attack speed.

Kickback I - 비검 올려치기 I
Level 52 | 100 MP | 703 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Strike your enemy as you leap 7m backwards from your target. This skill can be canceled from a majority of other skills. If the target is a monster, the target will not be able to move (rooted) for 3 seconds.
For PvP, this skill causes players to stagger when hit. Rooting will not be applied for PvP.
[3] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 25%. This is a weak skill but if you have points to spare then maybe worth it for PvE.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 20%. A great flexible skill should be used often so I find this glyph to be worth it.
[4] Glyph of Carving
Increases the crit chance for the next chain skill by 30%: Spiral Blades for 5 seconds. Haven't seen this kind of glyph before, but crit chance for Spiral Blade that does decent damage seems debatable if it's really worth it. Just going to settle it as a decent glyph.

Spiral Blades I - 비검 회전 칼날 I
Level 53 | 200 MP | 1329 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Launch the blades 8m in front of you as it spins towards the end hitting targets up to seven times. The attack can cause staggering on normal monsters. You can chain this skill if you first use [Combo Attack], [Scythe's Judgment], [Blade Maelstrom], or [Kickback].
For PVP, each hit from this skill will add a 10% healing debuff that stacks up to five times. Debuff duration last for 10 seconds. The skill also causes stagger from the first hit. A passive skill is automatically learned where each hit from this skill will recover 1.5% from your max HP.
[5] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 25%. Damage boost from this skill is worth it.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease Cooldown by 20%. Combine this glyph with Advert of Darkness up and you can constantly apply lots of pressure on staggering your targets so easily for PvP. Also great for PvE.
[5] Glyph of Numbing
20% chance to decrease opponent's attack speed by 10% (stack up to 5 times) for 7 seconds. Only for PvP purposes, but with low odds it may be debatable if it's even worth it. I would have to try it out to see if it works well or not unless it gets cleansed within a few seconds...

Dark Assault II - 비검 최후의 일격 II
Level 54 | 250 MP | 2287 Base DMG | 21 Secs Cooldown | 2.4 Secs Cast Time | SAMPLE
Launch a devastating attack in a straight line within 12m in front of you that has a high chance to knockdown monsters. A dark circle will be placed 12m in front of you that will explode 3 seconds later dealing damage. Skill will deal more damage if your opponent's HP is lower. You can activate this skill faster if you first use [Scythe's Judgment] or [Strikedown Blow]. You can cancel this skill early with Rapid Steps without putting this skill on CD if need to be. The cooldown of this skill only applies when the cast time of this skill is over.
For PVP, the first hit of this skill will cause a knockdown.
[5] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 15%. It doesn't seem much of an increase, but the damage boost is great to have for this powerful skill so use it.
[6] Glyph of Carving
Doubles crit rate. Devastating damage with double crit rate is hard to pass up.

Reverse Leash I - 역포획 I
Level 55 | 150 MP | 972 Base DMG | 15 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Throws the chain like a hook to capture a target 18m away and pulls you towards them. This skill will also cause your target to be stunned for 2 seconds. (EDITOR NOTE: I think this gives you i-frames as you are in the middle of the animation. Like to test this)
[2] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 20%. Only 2 points and this skill is deadly for PvP. Use it.
[2] Glyph of Haste
If this skill hits successfully, the next skill will receive 50% less casting time. This is made just for Dark Explosion, but I would probably use this more for PvP.
[3] Glyph of Powerlink
Increase skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Dark Explosion. Have this glyphed with Glyph of Haste can be a deadly combo for PvP. You can organize your rotations to use this next for PvE as well. A nice glyph for your powerful skill.

Blade Maelstrom I - 비검 휘두르기 I
Level 56 | 150, 150 MP | 1182, 1182 Base DMG | 12 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time |SAMPLE
Spin the chains around you that reaches 9m from where you stand hitting the targets up to four times. Getting hit by this skill will reduce monster's movement speed by 70% for 5 seconds. This skill can be used twice in a row. After using the skill once, you can delay it up to 6 seconds to use again, if not, cooldown WILL be applied.
For PvP, players will not receive movement speed debuff when getting hit by this skill. Only works on monsters.
[5] Glyph of Power
Increases skill damage by 25%. Anything is good to boost your DPS, but this one is a bit questionable since this skill will slow your DPS down and generally I'm starting to see this too. I'm starting to treat this skill as a mere filler. Up to you on this glyph.
[4] Glyph of Lingering
Increase the effect duration by 50%. Going from 5 to about 8 seconds. Not really worth it against monsters.
[4] Glyph of Powerlink
Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Scythe's Judgment. Damage boost isn't high in demand for Scythe so this is a maybe.
[4] Glyph of Powerlink
Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 20%: Strikedown Blow. You can combine this glyph with Scythe Judgement to make it a 40% increase. Seems worthy to use.

Dark Explosion I - 암흑 폭발 I
Level 57 | 350, 350 MP | 3838, 1954 Base DMG | 30 Secs Cooldown | 1.2 Secs Cast Time| SAMPLE
Summons a dark energy from the ground surrounding you causing an explosion hitting anyone within 9m from where you stand. You may use the skill again within a short time frame to hit your targets again with a high chance of knocking down your opponents towards you. You cannot be knocked down or staggered in the middle of casting this skill. You can still be stunned though. You can cancel the first animation by moving without putting the skill on CD.
In PvP, the 2nd hit of this skill will knockdown players.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decreases cooldown by 20%. You can probably pass this for PvE, but this can come in handy since you'll be using reverse leash a lot in PvP to chain with this skill often.
[4] Glyph of Haste
Increases casting speed by 17%. You could probably pass this for PvE since you should be chaining this skill from Reverse Leash, but this is a godsend to do devastating AoE damage and knockdown as fast as you can for PvP.

Smite I - 비검 강타 I
Level 58 | 100 MP | 1048 Base DMG | 20 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Leap straight in the air to deliver a large swipe in front and reaches a bit behind you stunning all targets for 2.5 seconds. While moving forward when using this skill, it will actually push you forward around 3m.
A passive skill is automatically learned where this skill's damage is doubled on knocked down enemies.
[5] Glyph of Energy
Decreases cooldown by 25%. For PvP, anything to get your stuns off more is better.
[5] Glyph of Lingering
Increases effect duration by 25%. Making it from 2.5 to 3.1 seconds duration. Worth the small duration to keep the pressure going.

Whip of Darkness I - 암흑 채찍 I
Level 59 | 0 MP | 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901 Base DMG | 30 Secs Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Standing completely still while unleashing a barrage of attacks 8m in front of you restoring lots of MP. Skill can be used up to 4 consecutive times. If you are interrupted while casting the skill, the cooldown will be applied. It's your slowest skill, but if you have some free time behind the boss then the damage will be significant.
[5] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 25%. I like this skill to keep your MP in good shape, but the glyph cost is too much to make this worthy.
[3] Glyph of Spirit
Increase MP regeneration by 20%. The skill recovers a ton of MP as it is and this glyph would only give you 192 more MP if you land all 16 hits.

Shift Change I - 위치교환 I
Level 60 | 300, 300 MP | 803, 0 Base DMG | 24 Sec Cooldown | Instant Cast Time |SAMPLE
Shoot a shadowy ball in a straight line reaching 20m. If it successfully hits the target, you have 10 seconds to use the skill again to switch places with your target while stunning them for a brief moment. The maximum distance you need to be to switch places is 40m from your target. This places a DoT debuff on your target damages them for 3454 every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds. Some enemies inside dungeons and BAMs will not be able to switch places, but using the skill again on them will just only stun them. The hit detection on this skill is bugged for PvP? You have to aim above their head for it to hit so in case if this doesn't get fixed then you at least know this.
In PvP, if you hit the target with this skill, they will receive a debuff that damages them for 3454 every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds. You can switch positions with your target within the 10 second window unless your target gets cleansed from the debuff.
[3] Glyph of Brilliance
Reduces MP cost by 150 for each use. Not really worth the MP reduction cost.
[4] Glyph of Energy
Decrease cooldown by 25%. Could be good for PvP. This skill does a chuck of DoT.

Advent of Darkness I - 어둠 강림 I
Level 60 | 400 MP | 0 Base DMG | 3 Min Cooldown | Instant Cast Time | SAMPLE
Engulf yourself in a dark aura for 15 seconds that reduces the cooldown by 70% of the following: [Scythe's Judgment], [Strikedown Blow], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Dark Assault], [Blade Maelstrom], [Reverse Leash]. Make sure you have full MP before using this!
[2] Glyph of Brilliance
Reduces MP cost by 150. You don't use this skill that often with its long cooldown so don't bother glyphing this.
[5] Glyph of Lingering
Increases effect duration by 30%. Makes it from 15 to 19.5 seconds duration. I would say this glyph is totally worth it for PvP more than PvE. You should only cast this when you are going for the kill.
3. Chain Skills
Reapers are the most flexible class when it comes down to chaining skills together. Here is a list to make it a bit easier to know your options. Because of this, it's wise to know which set of moves you should properly chain together to make the best out of your DPS. If you end up chaining random skills, everything will be on Cooldown and you'll end up awkwardly pausing. Get used to knowing which skills can chain for both PvE and PvP. Remember that PvP combos are much different than PvE to go for the kill.
Scythe's Judgment: 6 secs
Strikedown Blow: 9 secs
Kickback: 15 secs
Spiral Blades: 15 secs
Dark Assault: 21 secs
Reverse Leash: 15 secs
Blade Maelstrom: 12 secs
Dark Explosion: 30 secs
Smite: 20 secs
Whip of Darkness: 30 secs
- Scythe's Judgment and Strikedown Blow will always be your Bread and Butter combo to do anything chainable.
- These rotations aren't meant to be followed precisely all the time, but they are good tips to understand how to chain skills comfortably and make good use of your powerlinked glyphs.
Combo #1
Maelstrom x2 > Scythe > Strikedown > Assault > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Smite > Scythe > Strikedown > Leash > Explode > Maelstrom x2 > Scythe > Strikedown > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Whips (repeat from highlighted color)
Combo #2
Kickback > Maelstrom > Scythe > Spiral > Strikedown > Assault > Maelstrom > Smite > Scythe > Leash > Explode > Kickback > Spiral > Scythe > Strikedown > Maelstrom > Whips > Maelstrom > Scythe > Strikedown > Assault > Kickback > Spiral > Scythe > Strikedown
Combo #1 w/Advert of Darkness
Advert > Maelstrom > Scythe > Strikedown > Assault (repeat from highlighted color)
Combo #2 w/Advert of Darkness
Advert > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Leash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Leash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral > Dash > Kickback > Spiral
[More Combos on the Way]
NOTE: Some combos may require specific attack speeds on your gear, nostrums usage, and cooldown reduction rolled on your weapon.
Chain List
Combo Attack 3rd/4th/5th -> Scythe's Judgment
Combo Attack 3rd/4th/5th -> Strikedown Blow
Combo Attack -> Spiral Blades
Scythe's Judgment -> Strikedown Blow
Scythe's Judgment -> Spiral Blades
Scythe's Judgment -> Dark Assault
Strikedown Blow -> Scythe's Judgment
Strikedown Blow -> Dark Assault
Kickback -> Scythe's Judgment
Kickback -> Strikedown Blow
Kickback -> Spiral Blades
Spiral Blades -> Scythe's Judgment
Spiral Blades -> Strikedown Blow
Blade Maelstrom -> Scythe's Judgment
Blade Maelstrom -> Strikedown Blow
Blade Maelstrom -> Spiral Blades
Smite -> Scythe's Judgment
Smite -> Strikedown Blow
Whip of Darkness -> Scythe's Judgment
Whip of Darkness -> Strikedown Blow
4. Skill Range
Since you are a medium ranged DPS, several skills needs be positioned perfectly to do the maximum amount of damage. Some skills can still hit even if they are close to you, but the key is to position yourself around 8m from your target so most of your skills can land even more hits. For bosses this isn't an issue since their hitbox sizes are huge, but to PvP it's essential to know how far you need to be for your skills to land a hit.

Will find the source once I hunt the link again
Scythe's Judgment: 0~8m (2 hits)
Dark Assault: 0~12m (2 hits) / 13~17m (1 hit)
Strikedown Blow: 0~5m (3 hits) / 6~10m (2 hits)
Blade Maelstrom: 0~8m (4 hits)
Spiral Blades: 0~7m (2 hits) / 8~10m (7 hits) / 11~13m (5 hits)
Smite: 0~7m (1 hit)
Kickback: 0~8m (1 hit)
Whip of Darkness: (16 hits)
Dark Explosion: 0~9m (2 hits)
Shift Change: 0~22m (1 hit)
Reverse Leash: 0~18 (1 hit)
5. PvP

Scythe's Judgment - 8 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Stagger (1st hit)

Kickback - 15 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Stagger

Spiral Blades - 15 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Stagger (1st hit) & 10% healing debuff for each hit that stacks up to five times that lasts for 10 seconds.

Dark Assault - 21 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Knockdown (1st hit)

Dark Explosion - 30 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Knockdown (2nd hit)

Shift Change - 24 Secs CD
PvP Effect: Adds DoT on target doing 3454 every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds.
Noctenium Consumables
Scythe's Judgment: 3~8% skill damage
Dark Assault: 3~8% skill damage
Strikedown Blow: 3~8% skill damage
Blade Maelstrom: 5~10% skill damage
Spiral Blades: 3~8% skill damage
Smite: 3~8% skill damage
Dark Explosion: 3~8% skill damage
Counter: 3~8% skill damage
6. Base Stats

7. Gearing Path

So these are all the stats that I could find from constantly re-rolling my Wonderholme chest piece.
Gearing this class is limited for now. They can't craft visionmaker or nightforge gear for themselves and old leather gear won't work on them. The best in slot right now is Wonderholme gear.
Just continue using the story quest gear until you reach level 60. Since new Reapers will have a hard time getting into WHHM, just run it on your other character and clear it normally. Because once you defeat the last boss on WHHM, everyone will be awarded with either a BoE reaper weapon or chest piece (I think chest piece can drop for everyone as well... but may have to check this again someday). The weapon type will be random so it'll either be swift, keen, or enraged.
That's pretty much it for Reapers. They will have to wait a bit longer for the new content to come out to get more gearing options.
8. CDs
Nostrum Effect (-15 %)
Glyph Effect (-20 % or -25 %)
Weapon Effect (-7.2 %)
Glyph Cooldown Reduction (20-25%)
Flashstep: 5 > 4.2 secs
Counter: 14 > 11.2 secs
Retaliate: 15 > 12 secs
Kickback: 15 > 12 secs
Spiral Blades: 15 > 12 secs
Reverse Leash: 15 > 12 secs
Dark Explosion: 30 > 24 secs
Smite: 20 > 15 secs
Whip of Darkness: 30 > 22.5 secs
Shift Change: 24 > 18 secs
Ranger's Nostrum (red) - Ranged Skill (15%)
Reverse Leash: 15 > 12.75 secs
Shift Change: 24 > 20.4 secs
Nostrum of Energy (blue) - Close-ranged Skill (15%)
Kickback: 15 > 12.75 secs
Spiral Blades: 15 > 12.75 secs
Scythe's Judgment: 6 > 5.1 secs
Strikedown Blow: 9 > 7.65 secs
Dark Assault: 21 > 17.85 secs
Blade Maelstrom: 12 > 10.2 secs
Smite: 20 > 17 secs
Whip of Darkness: 30 > 25.5 secs
Counter: 14 > 11.9 secs
Dark Explosion: 30 > 25.5 secs
Retaliate: 15 > 12.75 secs
Ranger's Nostrum + Glyph CD Reduction (35-40%)
Reverse Leash: 15 > 9.75 secs
Shift Change: 24 > 14.4 secs
Nostrum of Energy + Glyph CD Reduction (35-40%)
meh I'll finish it later
9. Advert of Darkness CDs

Advent of Darkness
Engulf yourself in a dark aura for 15 seconds that reduces the cooldown by 70% of the following: [Scythe's Judgment], [Strikedown Blow], [Kickback], [Spiral Blades], [Dark Assault], [Blade Maelstrom], [Reverse Leash].
Scythe's Judgment: 6 -> 1.8 secs
Strikedown Blow: 9 -> 2.7 secs
Kickback: 15 -> 4.5 secs (1.5 secs if glyphed)
Spiral Blades: 15 -> 4.5 secs (1.5 secs if glyphed)
Dark Assault: 21 -> 6.3 secs
Blade Maelstrom: 12 -> 3.6 secs
Reverse Leash: 15 -> 4.5 secs (1.5 secs if glyphed)
10. Real Time Damage
I don't know if this is the best way to test this, but I like to find out how much damage these skills are actually doing to the enemy. This has been tested on the mob from Golden Labyrinth that activities the floor spikes. No glyphs has been used to get these numbers so make note of that.
Now the low damage doesn't matter for this test. This is to compare which skills can actually do decent amount damage without using the base damage stats as reference.
Normal: [466]
Crit: [1129]
Spiral Blade
Normal: 132, 264, 264, 264, 264, 264, 132 [1584]
Crit: 320, 640, 640, 640, 640, 640, 320 [3840]
Scythe's Judgment
Normal: 376, 215 [591]
Crit: 910, 520 [1430]
Strikedown Blow
Normal: 414, 1105, 828 [2347]
Crit: 1002, 2674, 2005 [5681]
Dark Assault (90~100% HP level)
Normal: 1419, 1354 [2773]
Crit: 3435, 3278 [6713]
Blade Maelstrom
Normal: 196 x 8 [1568]
Crit: 474 x 4 [3792]
Dark Explosion
Normal: 2549, 1297 [3846]
Crit: 6168, 3140 [9308]
Normal: [696]
Crit: [1684]
Whip of Darkness
Normal: 305 x 16 [4880]
Crit: 739 x 16 [11824]
Reverse Leash
Normal: [645]
Crit: [1561]
11. Miscellaneous Notes
- The Glyph of Powerlink for Strikedown Blow (20%) from Blade Maelstrom and Scythe's Judgment does stack to 40%.
- Each hit from Whip of Darkness gives 60 MP per hit. So a full 16-hit from this skill will give you 960 MP back or 1152 MP if glyphed. Reaper's max MP is roughly around 2235~2535 if your stamina is good so roughly it'll give 40% of your max MP back.
- When using Strikedown Blow, if you wait until the chains pulls back towards you, it will do another damage on your enemy. This can be easily overlooked at thinking that as soon as the chains hit the ground then you chain into another skill right away. Helps for PvE, but you can ignore this tip for PvP.
- Advert of Darkness also reduces Retaliate cooldown as well.
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