I've just reached 60, where do I get gear?
If you've just hit 60 then we would recommend that you run Balder's Temple (Solo/5-Man).
In Balder's Temple you can obtain a set that is equivalent to a +9 Steadfast called the Guardian of the Sun series. Once you obtain the full set you're ready for the new instances! You can enter Balder's Temple (Solo) by using a teleport scroll and for Balder's Temple (5-Man) you can use the same scroll or queue up through the IMS.

I want to know more about the new gear sets too!
By going through the "Recommended Gear" button you can learn about the different gear sets and how they compare.

Just click on the highlighted button...

And a window will pop up with gear information and how they compare.
Set Gears
Last summer we introduced set gears through the Zenith accessories.
This winter we have added more set gears for you to collect and obtain as we feel that the sense of accomplishment for completing a set gear and obtaining the bonuses is great.
The Charm of Wanderlust Series
Unlike the Kushbar series the Wanderlust series is a Tier 14 gear set. It may be a Tier 14 gear set but the best part of it is that it has a higher chance to Masterwork.
Furthermore, if you complete the set you will obtain powerful set bonuses. Much like the Steadfast series the Wanderlust series can be obtained by exchanging Molten Token II.
If you feel that Kushbar's Gorge is a little too much why not attempt to complete the Wanderlust set?
Two Paths to Creating the Barthir Series

Barthir's Vision Document will allow players to obtain designs which uses Nightforge PvE as a base to lower overall material costs. (Reapers cannot use this item)

Barthir's Secret Letter will allow players to obtain designs and craft the set if you don't have Nightforge PvE in possession.
New Boss HP Bar

We felt that despite TERA being an action MMORPG it lacked the combat information when engaging in boss fights. To solve this dillema we've added a new HP bar (only applies to the new instances) which not only tells you the boss' HP but it will also shake when you hit the boss and gives you information on the boss' status such as enrage.

Instance Challenge System
With new instances to tackle a group can wipe and often times the party will have to go through the instance all over again to the boss. To lessen the stress of having to re-attempt a boss fight we've added the "Instance Challenge" system.
This system is applied to Kushbar's Gorge (Normal) and will activate once you engage in a boss fight and at set time intervals (6, 8 and 11 minutes) a special effect comes into play. The buffs are as follows:
- Recover the party's HP/MP 100%
- Resurrect fallen members
- Immunity for 10 seconds
New Instance Matching UI

The new IMS UI allows players to see at a glance the type of rewards you can obtain when running the dungeon. It will also tell you which instances are recommended for your current ilvl and ranked from 1 being the easiest and 5 being the hardest.
Make sure to check which instances are suitable for you and queue up!
We hope you have all been enjoying the new changes and the instances.
We will continue to monitor the new instances and changes done to further improve your gameplay. Thank you.