The new solo instance coming out in July is called Ghillieglade. The teleportal is placed in Deva Silva, near the Bastion of Lok entrance.
After you got teleported in, you arrive in a beautiful forest, similar to the one near Tria. The starting point is marked with "1" on the map. Continue your way to the 2nd point.
Here you will need to protect the Oasis Giant (Ghilliedhu-giant BAM) from the mobs spawning from the surrounding (red) totems.
Probably this is the most boring part of the whole instance. You have to kill 25 of the spawned enemies to let the giant destroy a totem, there are five totems around. The mobs have low HP, the dificculty could be only to not to fall asleep...
After destroying these totems, continue your way to the nr 3. point.

Here our goal is destroying the red totem spawned in the middle. It has a shield, so only the "normal color" teralith (Ward Stone) can destroy it.
However the normal teralith hasnt got enough HP to get up and fight, so we need to save enough time to regenerate by knocking down and stunning the approaching two bams that are trying to lower the Ward Stone's HP.
Now we have only the lass boss left, Banyakas. Before entering the boss "room" choose the power or the healing buff offered by the game and get ready for the fight.
Banyakas has numerous attacks that cover the whole area, so you need to chance your positions quite often. You need to destroy the totem again, but be careful with the incoming attacks.
Attack patterns:
2-side hit
-This attack hits on the sides leaving a safe area just next to the totem.
1-side hit
-Hits on the left or right side of the totem
-Hits in a line in the middle (totem included).
Purple AoE
-Gives a movement speed decrease debuff, hits in a half circle AoE.
Fiery Breath
-Enter the circle/follow the arrows to avoid the attack.
[3D model of Banyakas, the last boss.]
After removing the totem, Ghillieglade is cleared, destroy the box on the left side to access your loot, which can be:
- Gold
- Master Enigmatic Scroll
- Level III Etching Designs
- Dazzling Treasure Box
- Molten Token II
- Ghillieglade Teleport Scroll
- Three new necklaces
- Patron weapons and armor
- Brooches
- Demokron's Plasma
- Level 14 sacrifice items
- Runeblade Fragment
- Design: Runeblade Memento (Weaponcrafting)
- Design: Runeblade Memento (Armorcrafting)
"In addition to the normal mode, there is also the possibility of shortening your stay in the Ghillieglade and playing through the instance on a higher difficulty level.

But be warned! The two unfreed bosses will be summoned by Banyakas! They can stun you and inflict damage. In addition even more henchmen will appear.
Once the stone has been destroyed, Banyakas will not be immediately placated – instead you must close in and weaken him, making the battle that much more difficult.
For defeating Banyakas at this difficulty level, you'll likewise be rewarded with Banyakas's Treasure Chest!"
Have fun and good luck with the drops!
[Image source: ]
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