[1. What is a Brooch?]

Looking into the future, it's a decorative jewelry item introduced in the next update after the Reaper patch. It's another brand new equipment slot similar like the Innerwear. The brooch equipment slot is positioned right next to your necklace.
[2. Another P2W Item!?]
No, this is much different than Innerwear. Brooches can easily be earned in the game that doesn't involve spending money.
[3. Brooch Stats?]

The brooch will add Attack and Impact stats. The base rolls will always have 1 stats, but the rerollable options will have 1 or 2 depending on what kind of brooch you have.
Brooches will also be made specifically for Tanks, DPS, or Healers except for the Agnitor version. So make sure that you pick the right one that fits your role, and if the brooch drops in a dungeon run, make sure you know who would benefit that the most and pass on rolling for it.
[4. How to Obtain?]
There are three methods on obtaining them.
- Get the Beginner Brooch (BoP) from the new 1/5/7 dungeons as a drop from the last boss.
- Get the Agnitor Brooches from Nexus merchants by spending Agnitor credits.
- By making your own Brooches and craft it further from Intermediate to Advanced.
Listings of all the Brooches in the game and their rarity from weak to best
Beginner Powerful Brooch
Beginner Carving Brooch
Beginner Threatening Brooch
Intermediate Powerful Brooch
Intermediate Carving Brooch
Intermediate Threatening Brooch
Agnitor Brooch
Pristine Agnitor Brooch
Advanced Powerful Brooch
Advanced Carving Brooch
Advanced Threatening Brooch
(these names are not official for NA or EU TERA versions)
[5. Brooch Info?]
Beginner Powerful Brooch | Beginner Carving Brooch | Beginner Threatening Brooch

The Beginner Brooch can be gotten from the new 1/5/7 dungeons as a drop from the last boss that has to be rolled against other players if you are in a party. It will be bind-on-pickup. A good way for starting players to earn a simple and free brooch.
This brooch can also be obtained by crafting the Intermediate Brooch and if you don't get a critical success to proc, you'll end up getting the Beginner version instead. This crafted brooch will be bind-on-equip and can be sold on the broker.
Agnitor Brooch | Pristine Agnitor Brooch

If you do not plan on crafting the advanced brooches for yourself, then consider getting this instead since there are no crafting involved. You just need Agnitor credits to purchase these brooches and it's still quite good compared to the advanced brooches.
You must first purchase the new material from Nexus merchant that costs 7,500 Agnitor credits each and you must be friendly or higher reputation. You exchange these materials with a choice of two brooches from another Nexus merchant. This material can be banked, but cannot be put into guild bank nor can you sell or trade it.
The Agnitor Brooch costs 7,500 Agnitor credits to purchase. This brooch is bind-on-equip, and can be placed in your bank but not guild bank. Cannot be sold/traded.
The Pristine Agnitor Brooch costs a total of 60,000 Agnitor credits to purchase. This brooch is bind-on-equip, and can be placed in your bank but not guild bank. Cannot be sold/traded.
Both Agnitor Brooches has a special ability embed inside where you receive a new skill that you can place on your skillbar. You can only use it if you have a debuff on you and using that special ability will cleanse it. The Agnitor Brooch has a 6 minute cooldown upon using it and the Pristine Brooch has 3 minutes. However, the cleansing only works on certain types of debuff so make note of that.
Intermediate Powerful Brooch | Intermediate Carving Brooch | Intermediate Threatening Brooch

A design for making the Intermediate Brooch cannot be bought from the NPC merchants so instead it's a random design drop from the new dungeon (I think it drops only from 10-man only). There will be three different designs so pick the one you want to create or have RNG drops decide that for you.

Kushbar Wing has a small chance to drop from the last boss on the new 10-man Normal and Hard Mode. The Blue Magic Ball drops from the mini bosses but that also has to be rolled against other players in your raid. You must land a successful crit to make the Intermediate version. Everything I just mentioned here can be sold on the broker.

You'll need to craft the Decorated Brooch as material for making the Intermediate Brooch.
Advanced Powerful Brooch | Advanced Carving Brooch | Advanced Threatening Brooch

You are almost done making the best brooch in the game.

Luckily this doesn't require RNG for crafting the Advanced version. The biggest concern is getting the Graceful Kushbar Wing from the final boss on the new 10-man Hard Mode. This drop is incredibly rare and what's more is that you have 9 other people to roll on it. That wing is sellable on the broker so players that doesn't care for crafting could just sell the material for lots of gold.
The advanced brooch will have a special effect just like the Agnitor brooches. It has some pretty insane effects but only for a short period of time. The Aggro version doesn't have any effects so... yeah not sure why they couldn't add something in for the heck of it. Oh wells.
[6. Brooch Rerollable Options?]
- Power +2
- Power +3
- Crit Rate +4
- Crit Rate +6
- Crit Resist +3
- Crit Resist +5
- Raise Max HP by 1.5%
- Raise Max HP by 2.3%
- Increase Max MP by 280
- Increase Max MP by 300
- Increase Aggro 3%
- Increase Aggro 4.5%
- Power +3
- Crit Rate +4
- Crit Rate +6
- Crit Resist +3
- Crit Resist +5
- Raise Max HP by 1.5%
- Raise Max HP by 2.3%
- Increase Max MP by 280
- Increase Max MP by 300
- Increase Aggro 3%
- Increase Aggro 4.5%
So yes it's possible to get a combination like Crit Rate +4 and Crit Rate +6.
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