Monday, 30 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
Guide: Ghillieglade [Gillian's Forest] - The new solo instance
The new solo instance coming out in July is called Ghillieglade. The teleportal is placed in Deva Silva, near the Bastion of Lok entrance.
After you got teleported in, you arrive in a beautiful forest, similar to the one near Tria. The starting point is marked with "1" on the map. Continue your way to the 2nd point.
Here you will need to protect the Oasis Giant (Ghilliedhu-giant BAM) from the mobs spawning from the surrounding (red) totems.
Probably this is the most boring part of the whole instance. You have to kill 25 of the spawned enemies to let the giant destroy a totem, there are five totems around. The mobs have low HP, the dificculty could be only to not to fall asleep...
After destroying these totems, continue your way to the nr 3. point.

Here our goal is destroying the red totem spawned in the middle. It has a shield, so only the "normal color" teralith (Ward Stone) can destroy it.
However the normal teralith hasnt got enough HP to get up and fight, so we need to save enough time to regenerate by knocking down and stunning the approaching two bams that are trying to lower the Ward Stone's HP.
Now we have only the lass boss left, Banyakas. Before entering the boss "room" choose the power or the healing buff offered by the game and get ready for the fight.
Banyakas has numerous attacks that cover the whole area, so you need to chance your positions quite often. You need to destroy the totem again, but be careful with the incoming attacks.
Attack patterns:
2-side hit
-This attack hits on the sides leaving a safe area just next to the totem.
1-side hit
-Hits on the left or right side of the totem
-Hits in a line in the middle (totem included).
Purple AoE
-Gives a movement speed decrease debuff, hits in a half circle AoE.
Fiery Breath
-Enter the circle/follow the arrows to avoid the attack.
[3D model of Banyakas, the last boss.]
After removing the totem, Ghillieglade is cleared, destroy the box on the left side to access your loot, which can be:
- Gold
- Master Enigmatic Scroll
- Level III Etching Designs
- Dazzling Treasure Box
- Molten Token II
- Ghillieglade Teleport Scroll
- Three new necklaces
- Patron weapons and armor
- Brooches
- Demokron's Plasma
- Level 14 sacrifice items
- Runeblade Fragment
- Design: Runeblade Memento (Weaponcrafting)
- Design: Runeblade Memento (Armorcrafting)
"In addition to the normal mode, there is also the possibility of shortening your stay in the Ghillieglade and playing through the instance on a higher difficulty level.

But be warned! The two unfreed bosses will be summoned by Banyakas! They can stun you and inflict damage. In addition even more henchmen will appear.
Once the stone has been destroyed, Banyakas will not be immediately placated – instead you must close in and weaken him, making the battle that much more difficult.
For defeating Banyakas at this difficulty level, you'll likewise be rewarded with Banyakas's Treasure Chest!"
Have fun and good luck with the drops!
[Image source: ]
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Tera EU: BAM spawn event
Unsettling news has arrived which will affect all of Arborea's inhabitants. In the coming weeks Bhaozurbas, Kaprima, Duke Volperon and the Dracoloth Sovereign will be conducting multiple attacks, aiming to put the fear of God into all the peoples of Arborea!
Even if you remember these enemies as being mere small fry, you shouldn't underestimate them. The four of them have been preparing hard for this attack and are more dangerous than ever before!
Scouts report that the monsters will be attacking every day, mornings and evenings. Stay alert and keep your weapons ready between 9-11 AM and between 5-8 PM! We believe the probable targets to be the Velika Outskirts, the Allemantheia Outskirts, the Kaiator Outskirts, Serpentis Isle and Balder's Refuge.
The event will take place from Friday, 20th June till Thursday, 26th June. The enemies listed are expected to appear daily between 9-11 AM and 5-8 PM. All of the monsters will be summoned on Channel1.
- Will the monsters be summoned at the beginning and removed at the end of each period?
No, the monsters will be summoned randomly during the set time period. They will remain in Arborea until they are either killed, or until they are removed by a server maintenance.
- Can I defeat these enemies alone?
These opponents are stronger and more resilient than ever before. Some may be defeated by a group, others will require the combined fighting strength of several groups.
- What happens if I am killed by one of these enemies' attacks?
If you are killed during an attack, you may lose a crystal and have less stamina when you are resurrected. To prevent crystals from being destroyed, either remove all of your crystals, use a crystalbind, or have a healer in your group to keep you alive.
- What are the exact areas for these enemies?
The monsters can turn up in the five named locations. These areas are marked on the map at the end of the article.
- Will there be rewards?
Of course! Every monster will drop loot for the group which did the most damage to it. In addition, every participant will receive a chest with rewards per mail.
- The loot dropped by the monsters can include the following items:
- 1x Bandersnatch's Cube
- 1x Mark of Bloodshed
- Tier 14 sacrifice items
- Refined Alkahest and Masterwork Alkahest
- Master Enigmatic Scrolls and Crystalbinds
- Cruxes and gold
- The chests can contain one of the following items:
- 1x Bandersnatch's Cube (only from Bhaozurbas, Kaprima and the Dracoloth Sovereign)
- 1x Mark of Bloodshed (only from Bhaozurbas, Kaprima and the Dracoloth Sovereign)
- Riding Skill: White Afro Duck (Permanent, 30 Days)
- Elleon's Blood Cape or Velik's Snow Magic (Permanent, 30 Days)
- Ninja costumes or headwear (7 Days)
- Masterwork Alkahest
- Master Enigmatic Scrolls
- Crystalbinds
- Arunic Panacea
- Tier 14 sacrifice items
- Zyrks (only from Bhaozurbas, Kaprima and the Dracoloth Sovereign)
- Cruxes (only from Duke Volperon)
- Panaceaic Bolster III (only from Duke Volperon)
So get ready for battle, and be sure to head off the invaders!
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Summary: PVE and PVP VM3 materials
[PvE VM3 Materials]

Cracked Traces
This is exactly like the Vision Document method for making Nightforge PvE. You need to acquire the newest Vision Document item from either the broker or as a drop from the new 10-man dungeon. The drop rate for the new Vision Document is quite high so this is another easy material to get. Two clears from the new dungeons will earn you 1 Cracked Trace that you turn in at the Legendary Blacksmith’s Workshop in Habere. You can’t put this material in your bank though so you’ll need to run this on the character you wish to create your PvE VM3.

Mark of Abomination
This is like the new Fanesteel + Mark of Bloodshed type of material. You’ll need to collect a handful of them to make your gear, especially the weapon demands 120 of them! It’s not as rare to get this material, it will actually drop at a decent rate from the new dungeons and the new boxes. If it’s gotten as a dungeon drop, you do have to roll for it and hopefully you’ll get it. If you run the new solo dungeon daily then it has a chance to drop as well. The price of this material shouldn’t be excessive compared to the VM1 content of Argon Vitriol and VM2 content from Mark of Bloodshed.

Floatation Stone
This is the Quill & Cube type of material. This item will drop 100% from the new 10-man dungeon hard mode with a full group. You’ll need to collect quite a bit of them so this can be the hardest item to get if you don’t have a static group to organize who gets to roll for them. You can’t even bank this item either so once you get that stone, it’s stuck on that character for good. I’ve actually gotten this Floatation Stone from the new boxes in hard mode so if you plan on opening them, then you better do it on a character you wish to get PvE VM3 just in case.

Runic Overlay

Shadow Shards
This material is only required if you are going for “Crafting Method A: Without Nightforge”. This one is not a huge deal and it only costs 3,000 Agnitor credits each. Your reputation must be Trusted or Revered to purchase this. This material is not tradable and not bankable.
This material is only required if you are going for “Crafting Method A: Without Nightforge”. This one is not a huge deal and it only costs 3,000 Agnitor credits each. Your reputation must be Trusted or Revered to purchase this. This material is not tradable and not bankable.

Cracked Traces
This is exactly like the Vision Document method for making Nightforge PvE. You need to acquire the newest Vision Document item from either the broker or as a drop from the new 10-man dungeon. The drop rate for the new Vision Document is quite high so this is another easy material to get. Two clears from the new dungeons will earn you 1 Cracked Trace that you turn in at the Legendary Blacksmith’s Workshop in Habere. You can’t put this material in your bank though so you’ll need to run this on the character you wish to create your PvE VM3.

Mark of Abomination
This is like the new Fanesteel + Mark of Bloodshed type of material. You’ll need to collect a handful of them to make your gear, especially the weapon demands 120 of them! It’s not as rare to get this material, it will actually drop at a decent rate from the new dungeons and the new boxes. If it’s gotten as a dungeon drop, you do have to roll for it and hopefully you’ll get it. If you run the new solo dungeon daily then it has a chance to drop as well. The price of this material shouldn’t be excessive compared to the VM1 content of Argon Vitriol and VM2 content from Mark of Bloodshed.

Floatation Stone
This is the Quill & Cube type of material. This item will drop 100% from the new 10-man dungeon hard mode with a full group. You’ll need to collect quite a bit of them so this can be the hardest item to get if you don’t have a static group to organize who gets to roll for them. You can’t even bank this item either so once you get that stone, it’s stuck on that character for good. I’ve actually gotten this Floatation Stone from the new boxes in hard mode so if you plan on opening them, then you better do it on a character you wish to get PvE VM3 just in case.

Runic Overlay
- You’ll need to get this design from the new dungeon to make this. I’ve seen this design drop many times and I’ve collected quite a few already so that part isn’t hard.
- The design will either be from Weaponsmithing 800 or Armorsmithing 800. The outcome will always give you the same Runic Overlay, but this is to give you two options since you can only have one profession on your character at 800 mastery crafting level.
- It’s easy to create. You just need [1] Runic Overlay Piece & [1] NPC Kit to make one Runic Overlay. The piece will drop from the new dungeons so you’ll eventually start getting them or buy them from the broker. Can be banked as well.
The only hardest part is that you need at least 800 mastery on either of those professions. You could skip this and just buy Runic Overlay from players.
[PvP VM3 Materials]

Murderous Fortification Stone
Costs 6,000 Killing Spree each or 18,000 Noctenium Society each. Untradable and cannot sell on Broker. Cannot be stored in Guild Bank. It can be Banked.

Silver Vital Oil (aka Alchemy Crafting Oil)
Crafted from Alchemy with a crafting level of 650. Materials needed to make the oil are x3 Idyllic Leaf & x1 NPC Kit. This oil is used for making the PvP VM3 Weapon only. Oil can be traded, broker, bank, guild bank, etc.

Silver Valor Oil (aka Weaponsmithing Crafting Oil)
Crafted from Weaponsmithing with a crafting level of 650. Materials needed to make the oil are x3 Goddess Tear Drop & x1 NPC Kit. This oil is used for making the PvP VM3 Armor, Gloves, and Boots. Oil can be traded, broker, bank, guild bank, etc.

Victor’s Fortification Stone
Costs 4,000 Bellicarium each or 12,000 Killing Spree each. Untradable and cannot sell on Broker. Cannot be stored in Guild Bank. It can be Banked.
Costs 4,000 Bellicarium each or 12,000 Killing Spree each. Untradable and cannot sell on Broker. Cannot be stored in Guild Bank. It can be Banked.

Murderous Fortification Stone
Costs 6,000 Killing Spree each or 18,000 Noctenium Society each. Untradable and cannot sell on Broker. Cannot be stored in Guild Bank. It can be Banked.

Silver Vital Oil (aka Alchemy Crafting Oil)
Crafted from Alchemy with a crafting level of 650. Materials needed to make the oil are x3 Idyllic Leaf & x1 NPC Kit. This oil is used for making the PvP VM3 Weapon only. Oil can be traded, broker, bank, guild bank, etc.

Silver Valor Oil (aka Weaponsmithing Crafting Oil)
Crafted from Weaponsmithing with a crafting level of 650. Materials needed to make the oil are x3 Goddess Tear Drop & x1 NPC Kit. This oil is used for making the PvP VM3 Armor, Gloves, and Boots. Oil can be traded, broker, bank, guild bank, etc.

Obsidian Gem
Are are two designs for creating the Obsidian Gem. Choices are 800 Weaponsmithing or 800 Armorsmithing crafting level. Either way, it crafts the same thing. You purchase this design from the Killing Spree merchant for 1,000 KS credits. You need to be completely mastered at 800 to learn the design. Being at 800 without taking the test will simply not work. If you are lazy, you can buy the design on the broker. The Obsidian Gem can be traded, put on the broker, banked, guild bank, etc.
Are are two designs for creating the Obsidian Gem. Choices are 800 Weaponsmithing or 800 Armorsmithing crafting level. Either way, it crafts the same thing. You purchase this design from the Killing Spree merchant for 1,000 KS credits. You need to be completely mastered at 800 to learn the design. Being at 800 without taking the test will simply not work. If you are lazy, you can buy the design on the broker. The Obsidian Gem can be traded, put on the broker, banked, guild bank, etc.
- To make one Obsidian Gem, you will need x6 Crafting Agnitor Shard and x3 Crafting Noctenium Shard.
- Crafting Agnitor Shard: 8,000 Agnitor credits each & Trusted or Revered. Can be traded, broker, or banked. Cannot be put in Guild Bank.
- Crafting Noctenium Shard: 8,000 Noctenium Society credits each & no ranking restrictions. Can be traded, broker, or banked. Cannot be put in Guild Bank.
(These are KTERA names so our version will definitely have a different translated names)
Monday, 16 June 2014
Preview: Forgotten Dungeon Expedition
What is the Forgotten Dungeon Expedition?

Instance Dungeon party matching window.
The Forgotten Dungeon Expedition is where a level 60 character is able to join an instance through the party matching system to support other players in clearing that particular instance. You are randomly placed in a level 53 or lower dungeon.
Players are able to match up 3 times a day in one of the following dungeons at random:
Bastion of Lok (20)
Sinestral Manor (26)
Cultist’s Refuge (35)
Necromancer’s Tomb (41)
Golden Labyrinth (48)
Akasha’s Hideout (48)
Saleron’s Skygarden (53)
When you are matched into an instance dungeon your gear and stats are scaled down to match the recommended gear for that particular instance.
While your level is adjusted you will still maintain any skills you’ve learned and crystals you have equipped will still be present.
The equalized gear is for the instance only and will be removed once you leave.
So what do you get out of running this? After you’ve helped clear the instance you will receive a Proof of the Forgotten Expedition through the Parcel. When you right-click on the item an exchange shop will open up for you to trade them for various items.
And that is what the Forgotten Dungeon Expedition is about. They hope to allow players who are leveling a smoother instance matching and for level 60 players to feel a sense of nostalgia running some old time instances.
Edited by Dante
[Source: ]
Edited by Dante
[Source: ]
New Corsair's Stronghold System
KTERA GO Post: Corsair’s Stronghold Revamp
Explosives Specialist

The bombs are placed near each pyre.
We’re sure many are familiar with the “self-destructing players” that were prominent in the past. Due to the extensive damage it did to tanks and turrets the effectiveness of the Mirror Charm was adjusted.
But a lot of players asked for the ability to play an on-the-edge game once again so here we are with the Explosives Specialist.

Explosives Specialist effects show who’s holding the bomb.
The bombs are placed near each pyre and can be collected by players to provide the following effects:
- When you acquire bombs you will be able to use Explosives Specialist skills.
- You will be able to move faster with higher resistance to knock down and stun.
- You will be able to use “Self Destruct” which will affect those within 5 meters of the explosion.
By becoming the Explosives Specialist, a player can enjoy a dynamic game without caring for their class or skill ability.
Changes to the Defense
One of the first things that was addressed was the unused waterways. There were no real advantage to having these so they were closed off in this revamp.

Another thing that was changed was blocking off the path for the inner tank to move inside the crystal room. One of the main issues that was faced was when the tank was moved to block the broken doorway, it provided an uneven playing field between teams of different abilities.

Of course, taking away the ability for the tank to be moved inside would leave the Anchorstone too open so they’ve added in two stationary turrets to fend off attackers.

Defender’s Airships

One of the things about defense was that you had to sit around waiting for the enemy team to come in and usually ended up having to tone down to a passive gameplay. To liven things up a bit they’ve added Airships for the defenders which have lower HP but will move much faster than the attacker’s Airships. This Airship will allow the defenders to move to the central pyre quickly.
Just because the central pyre is captured the attackers are not at ease and will need to watch out for the defender’s counter attack.
Time Attack System
In Corsair’s Stronghold, a match can end in 5 minutes or last up to 30 minutes. A quick match is great but when a match drags on for the full 30 minutes it can really bring down the enjoyment of the game.
So to solve this issue the TERA team has added a varying time system.
What is the Time Attack? Well, the teams will start off with less time than before and by completing certain objectives they will gain more time to attempt in breaking the Anchorstone.
Extra time will be added with the completion of the following objectives:
- Breaking one of the two outer gates.
- Capturing a pyre.
- Breaking the inner gate.
For the pyre capture, it can be captured as many times but the extra time is added only once.
Party Markers

Raid leaders can now mark the map to clearly show what objectives they want achieved. Markers can only be used in the battleground and is accessed through the World Map (M) just like the scan.

The marker for your party will be shown in blue while the marker for other parties are shown in green so you will not be confused as to where you should be.
Chat Ban
Within the Battlegrounds the key to winning does not lie solely on individual abilities but the ability to work together as a team.
One of the problems that has risen on several occasions is the presence of one or two players that disrupts the game by attacking other players or by giving out orders that clash with the raid leader’s.
To remedy this they have implemented a temporary chat ban which can be handed out by the raid leader through the option below.

The chat ban is limited so that it would not be abused wrongfully and only to chat ban those who are going above and beyond the call of duty to disrupt the raid.
And there you go, the revamped Corsair’s Stronghold. It would be interesting to see how these changes pan out in KTERA and how it will be received once it hits NA and EU. Over all it seems like fun.
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