Hey everyone!
During the winter and spring KTera got the reaper class with a new set of instances.
With the Wonderholme update in the late summer 2013 new problems appeared, graphical bugs, players stuck in some objects, problems with the mechanics, and some of them are still not fixed ( i.e. Kezzel`s Gorge ). Now the developers were ready to face the problems and create something brand new, where players dont have to learn confusing boss mechanics or travel by moving panels that make the run even slower.
This update contains 5 instances, including Kushbar`s Gorge (Nm/Hm), Altar of Lakan, Gillian`s Forest, Cave of Darkness and Raging Khielsreugal`s Cave.
Lets start with Kushbar`s Gorge. This instance has normal and hard mode as well. In normal mode your raid has two airships spawned to fly over the middle part of the gorge and skip some bams and mobs.
The first miniboss you have to eliminate is a lizard (see below) with some simple attacks. It can be killed easily, normally takes about 1-1,5 min.
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After skipping some normal mobs our next BAM is an arachnen (spider), exactly the same as the -lvl26 instance- Sinestral Manor`s last boss, Malgarios, with the same attacks. Players need to kill it in order to be able to use airships. The airships fly over the huge gorge (Kushbar`s gorge) skipping some bams and mobs that you need only in hard mode.
Our next boss is a carnivorous plant.
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It has multiple AoE attacks combined with lazer- and lock on moves. It is a simple fight, with no real tactic needed. Our plant will spawn little plants (2 times) that give buffs to the boss, so the players should try to eliminate them as fast as possible. Boss is dead, we move on the next monster.
After killing some mobs in our way, the raid arrives at the 4th boss, a giant bug-bee.
This boss has both AoE and close-range attacks. The basic attack patterns are similar to a normal crab BAM's movements (close range attacks). At a certain HP it casts a full room AoE placing toxic poison circles all around the room. Sometimes he spawns groups of bees aggroed on the healer(s) or the ranged DPSes.
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Now we can reach the final boss of Kushbar's Gorge, Kushbar, without killing any trash mobs.
Kashbar is a giant bug with a lot of AoE attacks and some onehitters that can wipe your party easily. He often shoots a painful projectile to a random player, or just targets him, flies up and dives down like a meteorite. (Same animation that the chicken boss has in Argon Corpus instance). It has some poisonous AoE attacks as well that can give you painful buffs or can unbelieveably decrease the movement speed of the caught player. At certain HPs Kushbar flies into the middle of the room. You`d better move now to the side of the room as two types of AoE attacks can be casted now.

The first is an attack that contains three AoE hits in three circles centered in the middle of the room. The first circle is not too big, it is just around the boss itself. About 1,5-2 sec later the second circle appeares which leaves only a little place for the players to avoid (only a narrow, ring-shaped area just near the side of the platform.) The third circle is that huge that it cannot be shown as an orange circle (its bigger than the platform we are fighting on), it hits in the whole room. It can be backstepped, blocked or healed through combined with kaia's shield (or mana barrier).
The other movement that can wipe your party starts with the boss moving in the middle again. Now some blue trails will be shown around the boss. Your party has abt 5-6 sec to place members behind the lines of the three invisible walls (just like Kelsaik`s Nest, there are some bumps on the ground). Some seconds later three crystals will be spawned, if all three are destroyed the walls will come up and save you from the room AoE onehit. The boss has shield phase as well which is quite short and if you dont manage to break it you will be knocked down with no retaliate possibility and will loose 20-60% of your total HP ( depends on class and gear ofc ).
The other movement that can wipe your party starts with the boss moving in the middle again. Now some blue trails will be shown around the boss. Your party has abt 5-6 sec to place members behind the lines of the three invisible walls (just like Kelsaik`s Nest, there are some bumps on the ground). Some seconds later three crystals will be spawned, if all three are destroyed the walls will come up and save you from the room AoE onehit. The boss has shield phase as well which is quite short and if you dont manage to break it you will be knocked down with no retaliate possibility and will loose 20-60% of your total HP ( depends on class and gear ofc ).
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With the boss dead, Kushbar`s Gorge is cleared.
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