Epic slow motion video showing two brawler skills, haymaker and ground pounder. The slow motion effect was done ingame, no additional effects were used.
Monday, 28 December 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
TERA: New class, the BRAWLER: All trailers
All (3) gameplay and cinematic trailers of the new class coming to tera, the brawler.
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Grimstrike goes berserk!
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Update: Class balance (Brawler patch)
- Combative Strike: Endurance debuff changed from 4.5% to 8%.
- Evasive Roll: Glyph of the Swift changes from 30% to 40% chance to increase Attack Speed by 15% for 10 seconds. Uncommon Master glyph - 3 Points.
- Torrent of Blows: Glyph of Threat changes from 20% to 40% additional aggro. Uncommon Master glyph - 3 points.
- Vortex Slash: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Cascade of Stun: Glyph of Powerlink point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 2 points.
- Rising Fury: Glyph of Numbling changes from 10% to 20% chance to decrease opponent's attack speed by 15% for 7 seconds. Uncommon master glyph - 4 Points.
- Backstab: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Evasive Roll: Glyph of Unending changed from reduces RE cost by 100 to 120. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Defensive Stance: Glyph of Grounding point reduction. Rare master glyph - 4 Points.
- Charging Slash: Glyph of Powerlink point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Scythe: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points
- Scythe: Glyph of Power increases skill damage from 25% to 30%. Rare master glyph - 4 Points.
- Deadly Gamble: Glyph of Lingering point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Shield Counter: The crit chance of this skill raised from x1 to x10.
- Debilitate: Endurance debuff on target will be raised from 3% to 4% per stack.
- Stand Fast: Hold the Line passive will now give 2% aggro, 3 Crit Rate, and 2 Power per stack.
- Wallop: Increases base damage by 10%.
- Guardian Shout: Distance changed from 20m to 40m and party members will receive a 30% attack buff. 91% endurance buff still remains.
- Guardian Shout: Cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.
- Challenging Shout: Glyph of Threat changed from increases aggro by 20% to 40%. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Onslaught: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% increase damage. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Spring Attack: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% increase damage. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Debilitate: Glyph of Lingering point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 5 points.
- Charging Lunge: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Challenging Shout: Glyph of Brilliance point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Challenging Shout: Glyph of Haste point reduction. Rare master glyph - 2 Points.
- Shield Counter: Glyph of Threat changed from 100% to 120% additional aggro. Rare master glyph - 2 Points.
- Shield Barrage: Glyph of Threat point reduction. Rare master glyph - 2 Points.
- Wallop: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Backstep: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 2 points.
- Rallying Cry: Glyph of Threat changed from 100% to 120% more aggro. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Evasive Roll: Glyph of Fleetfoot point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Heart Thrust: Glyph of Power changed from increases skill damage by 25% to 30%. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Fury Strike: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 40% damage. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Startling Kick: Glyph of Blaze for Heart Thrust point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Overhand Strike: Glyph of Persistence changed from 50% to 60% reset cooldown. Rare master glyph - 4 Points.
- Knockdown Strike: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% damage. Rare master glyph - 4 Points.
- Whirlwind: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 Points.
- Overpower: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 Points.
- Measured Slice: Glyph of Carving changed from double crit rate to triple crit chance. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Measured Slice: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% damage. Rare master glyph - 4 Points.
- Eviscerate: Glyph of Power point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 Points.
- Eviscerate: Glyph of Powerlink for Overhand Strike point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Punishing Strike: Endurance debuff changed from 3% to 4%.
- Fiery Rage: Glyph of the Pump changed from 30 to 40% chance to increase Power by 10% for 20 seconds. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Flurry of Blows: Glyph of Lingering point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Lethal Strike: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30%. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Thunder Strike: Glyph of the Slick point reduction. Rare master glyph - 5 points.
- Cyclone: Glyph of Haste changed from increases charging speed by 25% to 30%. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Flatten: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% attack speed. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Evasive Smash: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Cyclone: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Unbreakable: Glyph of Energy changed from 20% to 50% cooldown reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Raze: Glyph of the Swift point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Overwhelm: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Overwhelm: Glyph of Fleetfoot point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Backstep: Glyph of Indignacy changed from chance to trigger Overchannel by 20% to 50%. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Void Pulse: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Flame Pillar: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Burning Breath: Glyph of Lingering point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Glacial Retreat: Glyph of Blaze for Arcane Pulse point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Glacial Retreat: Glyph of Blaze for Lightning Trap point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Magma Bomb: Glyph of Persistence changed from 30% to 40% reset cooldown. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Burst of Celerity: Glyph of the Swift changed from 50% to 54% attack speed. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Time Gyre: Glyph of Multiplication point reduction. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Arcane Pulse: Glyph of Carving changed from increases crit rate by x2 to x2.5 for 5 seconds. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Stone Skin: Changed from 20% to 30% reduced cooldown. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Nova: Glyph of Carving changed from x2 to x2.5 increased crit rate. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Radiant Arrow: Glyph of Longshot changed from increases range by 3 to 5 meters. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Stunning Trap: Glyph of Lingering point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Web Arrow: Glyph of Fleetfoot changed from 20% to 60% chance to increase combat Movement Speed by 10 for 12 seconds. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Final Salvo: Glyph of Persistence point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Rain of Arrows: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Penetrating Arrow: Glyph of Longshot changed from increases range by 3 to 5 meters. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Arrow Volley: Glyph of Persistence changed from 40% to 60% chance to reset cooldown. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Radiant Arrow: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Ensnaring Trap: Glyph of Enfeeblement change from 5 to 15 seconds to decrease target’s endurance by 3.5%. Uncommon master glyph - 5 points.
- Explosion Trap: Glyph of Power point reduction. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Thunderbolt: Glyph of Power point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Thunderbolt: Glyph of the Swift point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Titanic Wrath: Glyph of Lingering changed from 35% to 40% effect duration. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Metamorphic Blast: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 40% damage. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Corruption Ring: Glyph of the Unfeeling point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Resurrect: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Thrall of Protection: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% increased damage. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Teleport Jaunt: Glyph of Energy changed from 15% to 20% to reduced cooldown. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Titanic Favor: Glyph of Longshot changed from 3 to 5 meters range. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Retaliate: Glyph of Opportunity point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 2 points.
- Thrall of Protection: Glyph of Grounding point reduction. Rare master glyph - 2 points
- Warding Totem: Glyph of Restoration changed from increases HP regeneration by 20% to 25%. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Volley of Curses: Glyph of Enfeeblement point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Contagion: Glyph of Lingering changed from 20% to 30% duration. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Kaia’s Shield: Glyph of Energy changed from decreasing cooldown by 20% to 25%. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Resurrect: Glyph of Energy changed from 50% to 60% reduced cooldown. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Mana Charge: Glyph of Powerlink changed from 25% to 40% increased damage on Shocking Implosion. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Final Reprisal: Glyph of Persistence changed from 40% to 50% chance to reset cooldown. Uncommon master glyph - 5 points.
- Triple Nemesis: Glyph of Enfeeblement point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Shocking Implosion: Glyph of Powerlink changed from 25% to 40% increase damage of Final Reprisal. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Plague of Exhaustion: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Fiery Escape: Glyph of Energy point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Mana Charge: Glyph of Spirit point reduction. Rare master glyph - 2 points
- Resurrect: Glyph of Heartening point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 2 points
- Divine Intervention: Glyph of Longshot point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Zenobia's Vortex: Glyph of Energy changed from 20% to 30% reduced cooldown. Rare master glyph - 3 points
- Veil of Shadows: This passive skill only functions in PvE if a monster kills you rather than a player.
- Veil of Shadows: Cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 minutes.
- Double Shear: Glyph of Powerlink point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 4 points.
- Sundering Strike: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Sundering Strike: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Whipsaw: Glyph of Energy changed from 20% to 30% reduced cooldown. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Pendulum Strike: Glyph of Energy changed from 20% to 30% reduced cooldown. Uncommon master glyph - 2 points.
- Pendulum Strike: Glyph of Powerlink point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Shadow Step: Glyph of Fleetfoot point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 5 points.
- Whipsaw: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% damage. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Death Spiral: Glyph of Powerlink for Grim Strike changed from 20% to 25% increased damage. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Grim Strike: Glyph of Carving changed from double to triple crit rate. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Shrouded Escape: Glyph of Energy changed from 20% to 35% decreased cooldown. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Shrouded Escape: Glyph of Lingering changed from 50% to 100% increased effect duration. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Point Blank: Glyph of Power changed from 25% to 30% increased skill damage. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Rocket Jump: Glyph of Fleetfoot point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 5 points.
- Replenishment: Glyph of Energy changed from 25% to 30% decreased cooldown. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- ST-1: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Command: Self-Destruct: Glyph of Energy changed from 20% to 25%. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Rolling Reload: Glyph of Powerlink point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 3 points.
- Bombardment: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Scattershot: Glyph of Power point reduction. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
- Burst Fire: Glyph of Longshot point reduction. Rare master glyph - 2 points.
- Mana Missles: Glyph of Carving point reduction. Rare master glyph - 4 points.
- Balder's Vengeance: Glyph of Power point reduction. Uncommon master glyph - 6 points.
- Rolling Reload: Glyph of Energy changed from 45% to 50% to eliminate cooldown. Rare master glyph - 3 points.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Guide: Northern Arun achievements
Lost Clues Find a Puzzling Monument in the Sundered Cave in Ex Prima

First you'll want to follow the map to where my location was, it can be a bit tricky since there's no clear route on the minimap.

This might help to show you exactly what direction to take once you get to that little mini-bridge.

This Monument was a pain because you have to interact with it and some people said they had to wait around a minute or two for the achievement to pop up, so be patient.
An Ancient Puzzle Find a Puzzling Monument near the castle's gate of Arx Umbra

Teleport to the only camp in Arx Umbra and either use the Teleport Platform to go to the platform or walk to the castle, either way! :)

Once you cross the bridge that's constantly getting shot at by cannons, immediately take a right and go all the way down, the monument should be at the end.

Highest Marks Climb the hills north of Highwatch and find a Wall of Wordcraft

Start here.

Follow the red marks and u kinda have to wall-jump to get up those mountains. Once you're up just run straight towards the platform in front of you. Once you get to the platform just take a right and youll see the wall of wordcraft there!
Ain't No Mountain High Enough Reach the Highwatch Wall of Wordcraft

This one is odd in the fact that there's no actual Wall of Wordcraft here? You just go to the spot I'm standing on the map and move your camera around a little and the achievement should pop up.

Make sure you're standing at the part of the gate thing that's broken when you do this or you won't get achievement. Try and stand where I'm standing.
What a View Find the Wall of Wordcraft above Boscan Terrace in Savage Reach

Start at the camp and move towards the direction of the red lines, once you get to the opening with a crapload of mobs, go straight and there will be an opening in the back where you'll be standing on a wooden platform.

This just shows the direction you're coming from. Once you get to where I am just keep going up the ramp and youll see the Wall of Wordcraft!

And you found it! :D

First you'll want to follow the map to where my location was, it can be a bit tricky since there's no clear route on the minimap.

This might help to show you exactly what direction to take once you get to that little mini-bridge.

This Monument was a pain because you have to interact with it and some people said they had to wait around a minute or two for the achievement to pop up, so be patient.
An Ancient Puzzle Find a Puzzling Monument near the castle's gate of Arx Umbra

Teleport to the only camp in Arx Umbra and either use the Teleport Platform to go to the platform or walk to the castle, either way! :)

Once you cross the bridge that's constantly getting shot at by cannons, immediately take a right and go all the way down, the monument should be at the end.

Highest Marks Climb the hills north of Highwatch and find a Wall of Wordcraft

Start here.

Follow the red marks and u kinda have to wall-jump to get up those mountains. Once you're up just run straight towards the platform in front of you. Once you get to the platform just take a right and youll see the wall of wordcraft there!
Ain't No Mountain High Enough Reach the Highwatch Wall of Wordcraft

This one is odd in the fact that there's no actual Wall of Wordcraft here? You just go to the spot I'm standing on the map and move your camera around a little and the achievement should pop up.

Make sure you're standing at the part of the gate thing that's broken when you do this or you won't get achievement. Try and stand where I'm standing.
What a View Find the Wall of Wordcraft above Boscan Terrace in Savage Reach

Start at the camp and move towards the direction of the red lines, once you get to the opening with a crapload of mobs, go straight and there will be an opening in the back where you'll be standing on a wooden platform.

This just shows the direction you're coming from. Once you get to where I am just keep going up the ramp and youll see the Wall of Wordcraft!

And you found it! :D
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Brawler: Skills
Skills with (D) means that they are a defensive skill and will block when taking hits during its animation.
Effect: Perfect Block
Perfect Block will provide the following effects upon a successful block within a 0.5s frame. Increase skill damage by 50%, increase Crit Rate Factor, and increases Rage meter by 200.
Active Skills
Skill Name | Skill Description |
Combo Attack | [Effect] Damage enemies in-front with your fists. Can chain up to 4 times. Recoveres MP upon successful hit. Increases Rage meter upon successful hit. [Use] Press and hold the skill button in the direction desired. |
Haymaker (D) | [Effect]Chaining with Combo Attack will perform powerful attacks. All attacks will mitigate incoming frontal damage. No Chain: Iron Fist (Attack and hold to block) Chain 1: Punch (Stagger) Chain 2: Upper (Launch into air) Chain 3: Lariat (Spins to attack in all directions while drawing in enemies) Chain 4: Charge (Knockdown) Effect: Perfect Block – Haymaker [Use]Press the skill button in the direction you want to attack / block. Hold and press to keep blocking after chaining with Combo Attack. |
Raging Burst (D) | [Effect] By concentrating all the Rage gathered, fly into the air to deliver a devastating blow. During the skill animation all incoming attacks are blocked. Able to choose a landing point. High chance to knockdown and crit. [Use] Activating a skill will produce an AoE circle, choose the landing point and press the skill again to activate. (Similar to Bombardment) Can only be used when the Rage meter is full. |
Earth Impact (D) | [Effect]Pound the earth with powerful punches to cause enemies to fly into the air. Hit 1/2: Pulls enemies into the center of focus. Hit 3: Throws enemies into the air with defensive effect. Effect: Perfect Block – Earth Impact [Use]Activate the skill in the direction desired. |
Rogue Dash | [Effect]Rush and gather enemies. Threat is increased upon successful execution. [Use]Used when you are wanting to gather enemies. Can be manuvered by moving your mouse. |
Full Impact | [Effect]Charge up a powerful punch. Has a high chance to knockdown. [Use] Activate skill in the direction desired. |
Dropkick | [Effect]Swiftly kick enemies into the air. Increases Rage meter if enemy is successfully thrown into the air. [Use]Activate skill in the direction desired. |
Uppercut | [Effect]Deliver a powerful uppercut. Increases Rage meter upon successful execution. [Use]Activate skill in the direction desired. |
Rush Combo | [Effect]Deliver a flurry of blows into the enemy. Each successful hit will lower enemy endurance (up to 8 stacks). Increases Rage meter upon successful execution. [Use]Activate skill in the direction desired. |
Counterpunch (D) | [Effect]Activated upon successful block, throws enemies into the air. Can only be used after a successful block. Effect: Perfect Block – Counterpunch [Use]Can only be used after a successful block, time the skill after a perfect defense. |
Provoke | [Effect]Provoke surrounding enemies to increase threat. For 5s your threat will be placed at the top. [Use]Activate while tanking to draw threat from surrounding enemies. Can be used while moving. |
Rage Induction | [Effect]Enrage surrounding enemies while putting your threat at the very top. [Use]Use when you want to take back lost threat or against enemies you want to enrage. |
Kick | [Effect]Kick up downed targets. Successfully throwing enemies into the air will increase your Rage meter. [Use]Can only be used against downed targets. |
Butterfly Kick | [Effect]Deliver a swift kick to the head causing a concussion. Stuns for 3s. Locks skill use for 3s if used against airborne players. Increases Rage upon successful execution. [Use]Activate skill in desired direction. |
Rage Rush (D) | [Effect] Rage Skill Leap towards enemies from afar and deliver a series of powerful punches. Defensive effect during skill use. Effect: Perfect Block – Rage Rush Can be used from 24 meters away. [Use]Target enemy with crosshair then activate skill. Can only be used when the Rage meter is full. |
Titan’s Wrath (D) | [Effect] Rage Skill Enlarge your body to increase power whilst losing speed. Increase body size by 10%, power by 50, Crit Rate Factor by 50, decrease attack speed by 10, and reduce skill cooldown by 30%. All attacks will gain defensive effect while depleting 300 Rage per second. Skill effects ends when the Rage meter is 0. Cannot use Rage Overlow and Aerial Rave during skill effect. [Use]Can only be used when the Rage meter is full. |
Meditation | [Effect] Rage Skill Calm your rage to recover HP and MP (up to max 40% of max HP / MP) [Use]Can only be used when the Rage meter is full. |
Aerial Rave | [Effect]Deliver a combo attack to airborne enemies. Increase Rage upon successful execution. [Use]Aim your crosshair to airborne enemies to use. |
Rage Overflow | [Effect]Increase your Rage by recalling unwanted memories. Increase your Rage by 50 every second for 20 seconds (max 50%) |
Dodge | [Effect]Dodge incoming attacks. Gain invincibility frame while in use. Can pass through enemies. |
Passive Skills
Skill Name | Skill Description |
Increase Movement | Increase out-of-combat movement speed. Does not take effect when in combat. |
Lust for Power | For 30 seconds your Rage meter does not deplete. Increases Rage when attacking players. |
Determination | When receiving a fatal hit from a monster, use up all the stored Rage to recover 50% of max HP. 5 minute cooldown. |
Taunt | Increase Crit Dmg by 0.4% against airborne enemies. |
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